Notes on Never let me go

By in Uncategorized on October 14, 2014

Without giving it away to those who haven’t read it it explores ideas of isolation, desire but mainly despair. A book that follows the life of a woman who throughout reminisces the good times she has had from when she was a little girl to the present day.

I am going to use this book in my coursework and apply it to marxism.

Notes I made were mainly marking down page whilst reading and taking notes as I went on.



  •  donating to allow the rest of civilisation to carry on.
  • They were created for a purpose -relating to the human race but in particular the working classes. As they are from a young age encouraged to go down a path of hard labouring they have no choice once they are put into knowledge based groups from a young age. this then leads them to not having high aspirations and settling for the route that is presented to them.
  • Cogs of society to allow it to carry on breathing and stay functioning.

The idea of being monitored relates to ISAs. The people who created them are the teachers (upper/middle classes), they teach them how to speak and act properly and tell them that how they are accepted into the world is based on how much they can produce and not who they are. This then strips them of any life and forces them to stick together otherwise they’ll strive to exist.

The idea of not being able to progress within society as you are kept in one place:

-Can’t have babies  -arent allowed out

The world they live in is an illusion of an ideal world within walls which relates to class barriers. How if you settle for a working class job you can only rise to the top of that station. In todays society the advance in education and the number of people who have the opportunity to use it to their advantage has removed class barriers to some extent leaving it to peoples aspirations to do well. if they want to they can simply choose to learn using the education system and progress themselves.








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